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128 sats \ 12 replies \ @DarthCoin 7 Feb \ on: R/Bitcoin: I am terrified to move my BTC bitcoin_beginners
I don't know what to do, to cry or to laugh at this incredible idiotic post.
Are these people jabbed? Is really so hard to make a bitcoin tx? Or people are dumbing down?
This shows the biggest problem in the world right now: individual responsibility. This is the example like the guy from BTC conference, they do not want to be responsible for their own actions.
This publication reminds me of something that a hacker said that they exhibited in a direct @lunaticoin a while ago, but I remember bad was the direct 2140 ** "Hello, I'm your kyc" ** **
To summarize the story they expose a hacker who is dedicated to stealing people 👥 like that of publication, people with a lot of money in Bitcoin within an exchange. 🤦 People who are not able to do self -ocustody.
And the hacker says the following, and it is a phrase that is really present and recorded.
He said
"We dedicate ourselves to stealing these people, because in the world there are people who have Bitcoin and do not deserve to have it, because someone who has a lot of bitcoin and lets him take care of a third party, does not deserve to have it"
on the one hand Darth, I want you to show some compassion
on the other hand, the post reads like the author collects figurines
Idiots will never have my compassion.
You show compassion for somebody that is trying to prove his proof of work, not idiocy.
This world is fucked up EXACTLY because of so many idiots in it.
show respect to people who are proving their work.
compassion is for the weak, unfortunate, and especially the feeble minded.
this post is coming to us from the land of liberal tears and late adoption. author is on the high-dive and you're calling him a pantywaste for having gotten himself up the steps in the first place.
yah, he shouldn't be scared of falling, he should grab his balls by the horns and read your guides.
and maybe he is a pantywaste, but he's not an idiot. he's frightened of taking the red pill.

I guess this is how big the knowledge gap is
no. One thing is lack of knowledge and another thing is idiocy.
Don't tell me that after years of accumulating BTC in a exchange that guy NEVER ever had the minimal curiosity to watch a damn video tutorial or read a guide. How much could take to watch a tutorial? 5 min? In several years ?
Even if you dedicate only 5min/day, in 1 year you will have 30 hours of study of Bitcoin. In fucking 30hours you can learn a lot.
Come on don't throw me that bullshit. The guy is a total idiot that do not deserve Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is Proof of Work. You must proof your work done in order to get bitcoin. He did none.
Bitcoin is not for the weak, only for the brave.