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My favorite response to people complaining about "corporate greed" as an explanation of our problems is, "when have corporations not been greedy?"
Good policy revolves around recognizing the incentives that exist and working around them, not wishful thinking about what incentives people actually do or don't have.
My favorite response is "Blaming greed is like blaming gravity for plane crashes."
I might steal that line in the context of climate change... coz I'm sick of people blaming climate change for natural disasters as if it absolves anyone of the responsibility to prepare.
Good luck
I'm sick of climate change deniers blaming initiatives to limit its severity for short term economic malaise, when they ignore the longer term consequences of not recognising, addressing, preparing and mitigating our contributions to climate change.
They are seeking to ignore scientific consensus for short term economic advantage at the longer term and much greater cost of future generations. They are seeking to absolve themselves of responsibility for their own actions which market forces will not address and which only regulation and collective action can.