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Also - the health of your teeth is extremely tied to your eating habits. If you don't eat sugar, and not many carbs, you will have zero cavities, flat out.
If you're bathing your teeth in sugar multiple times a day, your teeth will suffer greatly.
In most people not cleaning the teeth at the dentist at least once a year will lead to loss of alveolar bone leading to loss of teeth. This will happen even without cavities. It was significant mechanism of tooth loss throughout history and many wild animals today lose their teeth by this mechanism (which in their case obviously leads to death).
I disagree on this one. I just listened to a podcast with Dr Kevin Stock (https://www.kevinstock.io/), a dentist who's also on the carnivore diet.
Apparently there's tons of archeological evidence that before agriculture, people, people had close to perfect teeth and jaw development. Cavities are mostly something that happened post agriculture, and then REALLY took off when sugar became cheap in in the 1850's.
You disagree about the alveolar bone loss?
I don't know anything about that topic in particular. But I disagree about going to the dentist twice a year, for sure. I think that leads to a lot of unnecessary treatments.
I believe in eating better to avoid dental issues.
It also helps if you have genetically superior teeth and gums.