Just woke up thinking I was running late for work. But then I remembered it's fine, I got laid off 8 "business days" ago.
It was a short lived remote position that turned into a permanent layoff due to lack of projects. Those suckers are all getting ready for the Monday morning huddle up.
I think I'm gonna drink coffee and stack SATS.
When was the moment you realized the first realm only serves to drain ones life force?
I think everyone knows it intuitively — think how many complain about the "hamster wheel" — but can't articulate it fully, and, what's more, don't know what to do about it. But there's a reason why "I Quit My Job In Spectacular Fashion" is a popular genre on YouTube, full of comments of people "dreaming of doing this one day."
It's simultaneously interesting and sad.
Here’s some sats for the good life dammit! Cheers mate! 🍻