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I'm so grateful for the warm reception this photography activity have had in the community, and I'm really happy to know that you're all enjoying them as much as I am.
The fair in my city isn't over yet, so I'm still going to the same place to create content. I'm trying to make the most of these days before they're over, since it's very difficult to have so many people in one place for the rest of the year.
I'll start by showing you these photos I took of a guy. While I was photographing him, I realized he knew how to pose and was very confident in front of the camera, so I asked him if he was a model and he said yes, that explains everything!
The next girl is the host of the stage, I managed to approach her while she wasn't on stage and I took a couple of very nice photos.
Something that I've managed to master with these dynamics is taking photos using sunlight as backlight and creating a very beautiful effect in people's hair.
The next girl is blonde and had a very cool style with her glasses and tattoos:
The next people were a couple who looked very adorable, they were taking a photo together with their phone so I offered to take a photo of them with my camera!
The photos that include grandmothers and grandchildren have always seemed very, very special to me since these are two stages of life that last a very short time:
The next girl works in a bar at the fair, here she was promoting the drink specials:
The next guy works in the video game area, I took a photo of him since we were talking for a while and he was very friendly.
The next girls were family and were walking together, I approached as usual and explained that I was a photographer and was making photography content where I photograph strangers, I told them that they seemed very pretty and kindly asked if I could take a couple of photos and send to them later, they accepted and I took these photos:
I hope you liked these photos as much as I did, thank you for so much!
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