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All this is assuming the USD and USA remain the predominant forces in the global economy. That in turn ignores Chinas incredible rise and the fact that today the wealth of all nations hinges to an unprecedented extent upon their relationship and trade with China, not the USA. The USA continues to dominate militarily and monetarily - ie the tertiary levels of global power- but China has already won the trade war, every year since the 1990s with growing trade surpluses while the USA suffers chronic and growing trade deficits. Wealth is built over time via the production of real goods and services- short term the USA maintains dominance via control of institutions and protocols, and military strength, but all of those ultimately rely upon economic strength and the productive USA economy is increasingly uncompetitive as admitted by Trumps trade obstructing tariffs. Assuming China continues its long march of economic growth it will logically assume dominance at the tertiary levels and that leaves Bitcoin as a potentially stranded asset.