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It's really deranged how much vitriol people have towards those who are just looking to peacefully improve their economic situation and it's even worse when targeted at those seeking to escape extreme levels of tyranny.
Jonathan Haidt describes this well in The Righteous Mind. Illegal immigrants trigger the purity sensibility of conservatives, which evokes a visceral reaction against it.
Its truly absurd but Haidt nails it. Its especially troubling for me as a Christian when I hear my brothers and sisters fall into this mind trap. They will on the one hand send money to preach the gospel in foreign lands but then completely forget that many of these people groups and tribes are in the US now and they are cheering there expulsion.
This subject is much like the drug war. It misses the point. The problem isn't the illegal. Its the state and how it manages resources and people. It shouldn't do it at all.