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If you just want a simple bitcoin core node, YOU DO NOT NEED UMBREL! Umbrel is just a fucking fancy web UI!
Is telling you this, the guy that wrote so many guides, troubleshooting stuff about umbrel that you can't even imagine.
If you just want/need a simple BTC core node, just download https://bitcoincore.org/ and install it on ANY PC / OS!
You don't even have to keep it online 24/7, just leave it to sync once you open it and done.
Guys, PLEASE make the big distinction between running a full 24/7 bitcoin node and a BTC node JUST for your personal needs! Do not fall for all this crap marketing around that influencers are selling you.
It is interesting because I have had the thought before that I should have a node. And you have questioned me which led me to not doing one for the sake of doing one.
The marketing is strong and making people think they should or even need to run one
all depends of what do you want to do. Just for broadcast of your own txs onchain you only need to have installed bitcoin core and link to it some wallets like sparrow, electrum, green. That's all. And not even have to run it 24/7.