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In my reading, I was struck by how frequently the notion of 20 minutes came up. For instance,
  • 20 minutes is the recommended amount of time for you to embrace the enduring glare of the sun. Increased intake of Vitamin D will help boost your sleep quality. Source
  • 20 minutes of exercise is better than zero, especially if you take care to immerse yourself in vigorous activities. More power to you if you make it a routine to exercise at least 3 times a week. Source
  • 20 minutes is also the time taken for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full. Source This is why slow eating is encouraged. Specifically, be mindful when you eat and chew your food for about 32 times. Source
  • 20 minutes is the extra time you gain for your life when you delay smoking a cigarette. Source
  • 20 minutes of intense studying helps facilitate the formation of long-term memories. Source. Actually, the Pomodoro technique recommends 25 mins Source, but I needed 20 minutes to fit into my overall narrative, haha.
Seems like 20 minutes is all it takes for us to do something well enough. The question is, how many such 20-minute blocks do you intentionally fit into your everyday life?
If I had to guess, I'd guess 20 minutes has more to do with convenience for researchers than anything physiological.
Still, it's nice to know that there are positive effects to be had, in a variety of things, in just 20 minutes.
20 minutes to post on SN?