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So, first off drop the "neolib" — it's not a thing. A poltergeist invented by the leftists.
Second, that libertarian ideas dominate bitcoin and SN is quite irrelevant for 20th c political history or what's going wrong with western civ currently.
If it weren't obvious, SN posters and Bitcoiners are fringe to the world
Telling me what words I can use- very Libertarian!
Libertarians are the direct generational sequence following neoliberals who quite rightly fear even being identified for the crimes they committed against western civilisation.
The markets will fix everything and greed is good sound familiar?
Oh and lets not forget dismissing climate change are a conspiracy despite the global scientific consensus that it is a real and already measured and potentially catastrophic problem- just take some more hogwash from the Koch Brothers and rename the narrative Libertarian. Libertarian=neoliberals=millennials=boomers.
China has won the trade war because these corporate lobby enabling rentseekers captured the narrative...and the governments of western nations.