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Did you ever read Cryptoeconomics:Fundamental Principles of Bitcoin, by Eric Voskuil and James Chiang?
This message is specifically directed to @denlillaapan, but anyone else, please chime in.
140 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 2 Feb
@Scoresby has been citing it in their posts. I’ve read it. It’s the one Bitcoin book @BitcoinErrorLog says is worth reading. Someone was doing a series where they’d summarize each chapter on SN at one point.
Yes, I've read it some years ago. Is one of the best bitcoin books.
Do you know much about the authors? I can't believe I have never heard of them. Very smart, talented guys. I'm amazed. I just started the book. I'm going to take my time and enjoy it.
Voskuill maintains libbitcoin (the first alternate implementation of bitcoin, which he and Amir Taaki started back in 2011).
Cryptoeconomics is Voskuill's work on the incentives around the tech Satoshi created. It's not so much a book to read through as a graph of ideas in bitcoin. Voskuill recommends "reading the topics as they were written, as a curiosity."
It is certainly the most thoughtful book I've ever read on bitcoin, and the most challenging -- in that some of his conclusions feel very counterintuitive.
Also, I strongly recommend reading the github version rather than printed.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 2 Feb
Thanks for your insight. I started reading about an hour ago and it's pretty compelling. I'm sure I'll get lost when it gets technical.
I don't think you will get lost. None of it is technical in the software/code sense.
Voskuill does a nice job of linking to relevant terms and articles on the internet.
It's best in small doses, with lots of time to think.
123 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 2 Feb
They are real crypto-anarchists. I heard of Eric back in 2014-2015 from HCCP https://1337.hcpp.cz/
Also very interesting talks by Taz0 here:
I am reading about the axiom of resistance right now. It immediately reminded me of you! I will watch this video. I can't believe these guys don't get more attention.
Nope. Don't know of it... Give me a quick rundown?
I don't know much. I know the authors are bitcoin devs from 2013. I just started reading the forward, and I can see the book probably centers on the crypto anarchy origins like the Genesis Book, with a heavy dose of Austrian economics. Someone on SN mentioned it a while back. Here's a link.