Serious question, I'm not affirming Y or N in advance:
In 2020, if nothing had ever been said on TV, no lockdowns, no big publicity, none of that — would society have noticed independently there was anything wrong?
I mean, for example, back in the day when there was a plague, it was pretty obvious there was a plague whether CNN told you or not.
Stop the jUsT aSkINg qUEsTiOnS bullshit
And yes, just because you are an ignorant fuck and just want confirmation bias doesn't change the truth. Hospitals were overwhelmed.
Social distancing, masks and vaccines are like capitalism: they work. And people only complain because they don't know how aweful it would be here without them.
Even though I agree with what you said, I don't agree with how you said it. I think you would do a better service to help people to understand the situation by not insulting them first for asking.
I think people
  1. Need to stop having opinions before having knowledge. Respect peoples expertise in their own fields - no medical professional would dare to tell me how to program a for-loop. So I don't talk shit about virology either.
  2. This trolling attitude of "just asking questions" is a red line. He's not asking. He's using insidious strategies to push an agenda.
Since I don't spend as much time on social media as other people, I forget how hilariously uptight people are. I hope things work out for you and your "red line!" :D
Need to stop having opinions before having knowledge.
He's not asking. He's using insidious strategies to push an agenda.
That may be the case. May as well not be the case. But assuming this and insulting him (while at least answering his questions) just makes you look like an "ignorant fuck" who can't believe that some people honestly don't know and want to know and thus ask questions.