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It's from a 21-principle newsletter that Mark Moss sent out today.
You can run these in slightly different formats (I think of them as 5 margins/domains but it's the same core idea): I think about/worry/optimize across these trade-offs basically every single day, trying to do what's best. There's literally no hope of ever maxing out on all, but a constant juggle having to care for the worst one at any given moment, basically.
Weeks like the one I just had (#871616) usually come around when 2, 3, or 4 of these domains are in disastrous disarray.
The worst feeling I know (#853488) is not when they are in good or bad state, necessarily, but when they're all moving in the wrong direction simultaneously.
That's when all the shit happens.
Whatcha think of Moss' breakdown, Stackers?
I suppose it's useful to list out different options, so people can think through their situations more concretely. However, it really is more like you said: there are a bunch of different margins to optimize over (optimizing what, exactly?)
Figuring out what's most holding you back can be really useful, but so can seizing the biggest opportunity to push something forward.
Bank balance???
I bet he is a tax payer too!
As long as you are still enslaved like that things will not be fixed for real...