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Run your fucking node and don't abuse these kind of nice platform with shity zaps.
I have alby, but I still have a coinos wallet so I want to make sure to not leave on to much if it's a burden to coinos.
Darth, question for you. How are we supposed to know what is abuse and what is use. If the usage is abuse but not intended to be abuse then the platform needs to put things in place for actual malicious activity. Right?
If SN using these services brings them to their knees what happens when we have massive adoption?
what happens when we have massive adoption?
Like CoinOS. Do you know their history, how did they start? As an uncle Jim for local shops in Vancouver.
But people nowadays I see that are just fucking waiting for things to happen, they do nothing, not even study properly how to use Bitcoin for themselves.... They only care how to assmilk SN btw...
And this is because people nowadays do not want to be responsible for anything, but always want to blame others to be responsible for them and for their own mistakes. Like this idiot...
Prepare from now, learn, test, create solutions, slowly, small steps and then grow (but not too much). Provide for your closed people only.
THIS is the real decentralization: small LN banks everywhere that cannot be stopped or cannot attract easily attackers because the bounty is too small or unknown so the effort is not worth it.
There's a lot of information to digest. Slow and steady is really good advice, at least it has been for me.
Right on Darth. This is what we that can run nodes and lightning nodes should do.