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Maybe I need coffee but what is the issue with bitbo's quote?
Powell's comments were all about "crypto". (He mentioned bitcoin by name, bc the question was about bitcoin, but then the rest of his answer was about crypto.) Bitbo is whitewashing the fact that bitcoin has no particular prominence (vs "crypto") in the public discourse -- it matters a lot to bitcoiners, but the world at large isn't making the distinction.
Ah! Yeah this is actually very common in bitcoin "only" focused media.
I wonder if this isn't a consequence of maximalists getting triggered by the word "crypto". I'm with you. Give it to me straight without the whitewashing. I can take it. I'm not a snowflake.
We are gonna see MASSIVE shitcoining over the next few years. A few years ago I just realized they will always be with us because humans are greedy, like to gamble, and don't learn their lessons from history.