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102 sats \ 3 replies \ @0xIlmari 30 Jan \ on: The True and Accurate History of the Boating Accident Meme bitcoin
Thank you, very good read, very good research.
But I keep looking at that "TITANIC SINKS, 1500 DIE" headline and keep thinking, what the fuck is that janky font?
Hey, that jankiness in the font is most likely due to how the newspapers where printed back in the day, where they would put all of the letters in these metal enclosures and then use that to print over and over.
It could very well be that both the letters and enclosure to hold them had been disformed by years of use.
Good to know. Gotta love the physicality of fonts before computers made them all clean and uniform.
It almost looks like it was a handmade stencil. But probably the newspaper was slightly wrinkled when the image was captured.