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Democracy is a solution to the question of "How do we manage public resources and resolve issues that affect multiple people?" and its answer is "We vote and the minority accepts the majority's choice."
As long as the association is voluntary, I'd say it's compatible with freedom. You give up some self-determination rights and enter a social contract with a belief that people as a whole will benefit from the arrangement.
Actual modern democracies have two main issues:
  • They are not voluntary. You are born into the system like a slave and can't leave because the cartel holds power over the entire planet.
  • The system (government that was entrusted to execute the will of the people) oversteps its boundaries and starts telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies, money and property. This can happen both because the leaders become corrupt and start thinking they "rule" the people or because people themselves (through fear or ignorance) relinquish more rights.