This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Random line of thinking (@hj also brought this up): We need to do a better job telling good and real stories.
On small scale, with Bitcoin and Lightning, e.g. a lot of people use LN for positive things in their lives and it's worth sharing those stories with others. I wish we would see more posts/articles/etc that tell those stories.
On large scale, most of the movies that are from future predict negative dystopian disaster where the hero beats the evil (but only "for now", for a little bit...). Why don't we see movies that have the opposite? We are etching the negative stories in the back of our heads and we are priming ourselves to make that negative future come through. Let's etch some positive stories instead...
couple of random thoughts.
  1. how to find the discussion thread from previous day? (other than checking through notifications). Wonder if something similar to reddit forum's "Daily discussion thread Wednesday 1/23/22" might be worthwhile and get listed similar to other threads to find under recent etc. Seems like a waste if there's good discussion for the thread to disappear the next day.
  2. UI-related: I noticed that there's no lightning bolt next to my own responses. This makes sense so as to not tip yourself but the indentation without icon makes it look like it's a response to the message thread above... (if that makes sense, i can send screenshot otherwise...)
  1. When you’re on the daily discussion page, there’s a link to ‘yesterday’ under the title.
  2. It’s a symptom of the size of the icon. I need to do a design overhaul fonts/spacing/sizing. I’ll keep this in mind