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By Henry Lever
Despite efforts by elites to promote state-sponsored education, people are revolting against the statist model. From private schools to home schooling and other alternatives, people have not forgotten that liberty and learning fit well together.
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We have a chance to land deadly blows against one of the state’s greatest weapons. It is a chance to protect children from a vicious institution, while teaching parents just how vicious it truly is. We can only hope that entrepreneurs continue to seize the moment, so that the eventual destruction of our government’s education monopoly can be the victory from which all other victories follow.
It looks like the great awakening has come to parents of children attending public indoctrination centers/prisons. They are vile institutions that are poisoning the children’s minds with all sorts of progressive/lefty/Marxist/socialist/communist/murderer isht and trying to turn them into sterile drones, like themselves. Between the centralized, one-size-fits-all programs of indoctrination to the ideological and rigorous brainwashing, children do not have a chance, unless they abandon the public education system and find the free market education possibilities that are working much better.
I think the teachers' unions sealed their own fate, by pushing remote schooling during the pandemic.
It became obvious to millions of families how little value they are providing and the cost is staggering.
We're seeing more homeschooling and more states and cities roll out various school choice programs.
They well deserved their fate being sealed. Have you ever been in a teacher’s union? It is a terrible place to be if you do not align, exactly, right up and down the line, with the Dear Leaders of the union. I have been in other unions, not voluntarily, before and never experienced that kind of isht. I was utterly shocked at the treatment they gave everybody.