This is a thought-provoking analysis of what can go wrong when bitcoin's value is guaranteed by state power. Most bitcoiners don't appreciate how tenuous some of the game theory is, especially if the players are far more motivated by profit than freedom, and a nation more wealthy than the entire network several times over gets involved. In this worst case, USG bitcoin will fork off of whatever most of us will consider the true bitcoin, but how many bitcoiners do you know that will follow the less valuable coin?
As a rough estimate, I'd say any bitcoiner that isn't running a node, and KYCing gleefully to avoid doing so (probably 80% of bitcoiners that identify as such, attending all the fuck-state-money parties but really just want an Audi, let alone all the normal people that are merely bag holders), are just future USG bitcoiners. It's something to think about at the very least.