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Landman is decent drama although you know you are being played with most episodes ending with a cliffhanger. Its not real- its a fantasy drama and Tommy is not a climate scientist. The Libertarians really struggle with climate change and the scientific consensus that recognises it presents a massive challenge to the global climate and human habitability within it. The last 10000 years have been some of the most stable benign weather conditions in climate history and human civilisation flourished in part because of the favourable conditions. The Tonga effect is real but successive record high global temperatures have been recorded since 2017...preceding the Tongan eruption. A major factor in creating the dust bowl of the 1930s was the over use of ploughing on soils not suited to it. The dust bowl was in large part due to human action. Rising wheat prices in the 1910s and 1920s and increased demand for wheat from Europe during World War I encouraged farmers to plow up millions of acres of native grassland to plant wheat, corn and other row crops. But as the United States entered the Great Depression, wheat prices plummeted. In desperation, farmers tore up even more grassland in an attempt to harvest a bumper crop and break even. Crops began to fail with the onset of drought in 1931, exposing the bare, over-plowed farmland. Without deep-rooted prairie grasses to hold the soil in place, it began to blow away. Eroding soil led to massive dust storms and economic devastation—especially in the Southern Plains.
But Libertarians ignore sound science because they cannot cope with the possibility that climate change is real- why? Because if climate change is real then the most logical response would be concerted coordinated government led action to limit the creation of more climate changing emissions and actions whereas Libertarians like to exist in a delusional state of dogma where government action is always bad and free markets solve all problems.
Unfortunately for the Libertarians extreme and inflexible dogma, climate change, if accepted as real cannot logically be responded to with market forces because market forces do not factor the long term downstream effects and costs of GHG emissions and other climate change inducing economic activities.
So rather than face the truth and reality, Libertarians contort themselves into complex dishonest narratives such as the above post.