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To me, this looks like a case of a Deep State operation from the get-go. Perhaps she was even an MKULTRA subject from what I can see from her behavior. Mattis, at least, should be jailed as an accomplice. The others all knew of the fraud, too, but who were they working for? There was someone else behind this because all these folks are flunkies of the next layer up the pyramid. They should all face justice for this.
The whole case reminds me of the 23&Me or whatever the name of the company doing the DNA reading for people. That was another Deep State run front to get DNA identifications on every person in the country, if not the world. There were enough fools that did the test, so that many of the rest of us (non-fools) could also be identified in the new databases. What another good deal!
...and guess who was also promoting those tests?
You keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Good, it makes me even want to trust him more and more, NOT! Could it be that he is just exposing people that need exposing, at this time? An awful lot of these folks are looking very nervous when they are talking and he is nearby. Is he doing the same to them as he did to the Colombian President? That was down and dirty!
Nail on the head. Dude is playing 3d chess and it's the first time in my life I've seen anyone do that. Fitting that there's a Kennedy in his cabinet.
I hope the Kennedy is as good as his word, too. His area of responsibility will be a big make-it or break-it situation. Perhaps he can even shut down the chemtrails!
Hahaha Trump is also involved in that, he is everywhere.
I hope not! Does he know his limits set by the constitution? I am beginning to wonder.
maybe all these old guys were senile and demented
No, they knew exactly what they were doing and doing it in service to their overlords.It would be nice to find out who these overlords are, though.