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Solution? Well what's the problem? If you're on the cash app lightning network for example and you want to be on a lightning network that doesn't have a connection to cash app and no nodes connected to cash app will accept incoming channels from that network, well the answer is obvious. You have to close the channel and move your coins on chain then open a channel within the network you want to be in.
I think he’s saying the problem is: fast forward a few years and there’ll be a two speed lightning network.
One permissioned, surveilling all users, and censorable.
The other, slow and barely usable, but ‘free’
Hmm. You know I've been thinking about ways we can improve Phoenix wallet. I think the best method is to have it come with a "companion desktop application" and that companion app is a containerized LN node that the app connects to and then has some automatic system for figuring out which LN node to connect to.
We have the containers already, just maybe some more scripts on them to make automatic smooth brain set up easy: https://lightningpolar.com/
Basically, I'm talking about how to make this easier where you don't have to connect to larger nodes to be on LN. I also think we're on the right track by focusing on small community development. Local community barter networks and trade networks. Within networks like this, making it easy to connect your smooth brain 0 config LN node to your buddy I think will be paramount.
Smooth brain… one-click… You’re speaking my language! I don’t have lightning setup on my node yet.
And the focus on building smaller networks does sound like a good path forward. Many smaller networks that can connect to each other.
How do we solve the underlying dependency on a slow Tor network. Could your one-click thingy have an option to run a Tor relay as well?
When you say ‘ways to improve Phoenix’ do you run it, or contribute to it?
Either way, thanks for your work. Today’s my first day on SN and I just downloaded Phoenix to try the LN Auth feature - so cool! How does it even work!? Such a great experience
I have Phoenix on my phone. When I say ways to improve it, I do mean ways to contribute to the codebase. Unfortunately, I'm mostly a ruby guy and I have a lot of ideas for lots of things so you gotta kinda wittle your ideas to a few actionable ones. So I don't know that I could make the improvements myself.
I see I see. Well at least you have ideas.
I’m not a dev so my contributions are zero. You’re miles in front of me and I appreciate any and all work you do do.
When you write a script, you write it to your hearts content. So yes, you could write it to automatically connect to Tor. However, Tor is a network of layered encryption called onion routing designed around privacy, not efficiency. If you use Tor, you accept the experience of using Tor.