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I’ve been thinking about how much we stress over things that won’t even matter a few years from now. One thing I believe is this: most of the stuff you’re stressing over right now won’t matter in the future. It’s helped me shift my focus on what really counts. What about you?
241 sats \ 4 replies \ @Aardvark 23h
Most of your problems are probably your own fault.
No it's all the fault of muh oppressors!
I demand reparations
35 sats \ 0 replies \ @ChrisS 23h
Good one. This one can be hard to accept but once you do realize that all your problems are your fault then you are able to fix them instead of blaming others.
Hard to accept, but it's true. Thanks
375 sats \ 3 replies \ @Satosora 23h
Less stuff means less to look after. You dont realize how much stuff you can actually live without. You dont want to become a slave to your belongings.
Hard to swallow pill, but so true. Thanks
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ogi099 8h
Hey, for me this one wasn't even hard to swallow actually. Life really feels lighter after redefining what is trash, and cleaning up personal space. You can forget very quickly that some things you owned ever existed, after throwing them out
Ah yes! The things you own end up owning you
45 sats \ 1 reply \ @tomlaies 23h
A dangerous wisdom that boomers spread to their children that some things will just happen on their own like puzzle places that fall in place. Like you will find a wife/husband when the time is right. Or that you will eventually get promoted if you work hard enough.
These things are not true. Or maybe they were meant more figuratively than literally in the first place. No, you have to be actually actively looking for a partner. This is not a Hollywood romcom where you accidentally run into someone at Starbucks. You have to be actively talking to your boss about how much effort you put in. If your boss oversees 15 people they will not recognize this on his own.
This one is a very hard and brutal straightforward truth: actually, old people believe a lot in destiny, but it's all just luck instead. Thanks.
People you dislike often represent a characteristic about yourself that you don't like. I think it's called projection. It's easier to see these characteristics in others than in yourself.
Accept that fact so (i) you have no reason to waste mental space disliking that person and (ii) you use it as a learning experience on how to better yourself.
Very interesting. In psychology, projection is a mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds. It is a type of defense mechanism that occurs when a person unconsciously projects their feelings, behaviors, or thoughts onto someone else.
Interesting, never thought about it like that. I should try noticing that more. Thanks
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 15h
It's probably what explains @Bell_curve's discomfort with gays 😁
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 16h
It's probably what explains @Bell_curve's discomfort with gays 😁
I don't have a problem with gays. I have a problem with anyone who votes left because leftists deserve to die.
update: I think you are confused by my use of 'faggot'. I have to use that word since too many people would be offended by my use of the N word
Is that why you were so indifferent when D Trump was shot and almost assassinated?
I guess?
Reality has kinda become a stream of random pieces of news that make me feel like they matter, but a day after, it already feels so far away. I observed the same thing with the martial law news here. He's in prison now. Yet, nothing really mattered in the end, at least for the impact it has on my daily life.
Maybe that's just a symptom of getting older and more cynical?
Martial law lasted for 6 hours.
He is in prison w/o any due process.
South Korea is reverting to its banana republic roots.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @IamSINGLE 22h
Most of the personal truths, if revealed or accepted, ruin life.
Let me ruin my life then 😂. But, this is a deep one. Thanks
149 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 22h
Life isn’t fair, just like nature
This is deep; I'm not sure if I really understood. Do you mean like nature is amazing but cruel? Lots of natural disasters? Deaths? And some species are weak and become extinct?
29 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 21h
I only replied to the question in the title.
If you accept that life isn’t fair, you stop complaining about it and have a model that you can actually work with since it’s based on reality, not morality.
For example, you can do stuff to increase your chances of happiness but you understand that life owes you nothing, so you just need to keep trying.
This got even deeper and more practical, but I understood it now. Thanks, this one is a hard truth to accept.
you stop complaining about it and have a model that you can actually work with since it’s based on reality, not morality.
Really nice sentence.
40 sats \ 5 replies \ @ama 22h
There is no god.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @drlh 15h
I know one author in his blog described 3 axioms:
  1. If god/s exists
  2. If it is all mighty
  3. It has for every individual a mission
Then god can fulfill his willings in the most direct way: via our sensors and feelings. If you repel a thing then it's not in a god's wisdom. If it brings fulfillment then it is. Guess what? Atheists are one of the most successfull towards fulfilling the god's mission. He doesn't care if you don't believe in him, he wants you to finish the mission. And atheists do it without self imposed limits. Religious people are less successfull, they tend to speak of god's mission as if they know better. Some religions like buddhism even closes the way how god speaks to you.
Also drugs don't fulfill the mission, they block how god sends you information. Even with some caveats it's a fun argument, because almost every mainstream religion has all 3 axioms.
I still like to say it doesn't matter if it is, otherwise we are screwed since beggining if it's a biblical god or something else.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ama 15h
Books are the places were gods are. And the god in the bible is the most despicable character in the universal literature.
It can be either maybe or maybe not. We cannot really prove his existence.
This doesn't make life better
of course a socialist would say this
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ama 21h
It's a hard one, isn't it? But again, the sooner the better.
All is not just what we can see with our own eyes, there are things we don’t see that are valid and true, too.
Very nice, thanks
You’re welcome!
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @nichro 20h
most of the stuff you’re stressing over right now won’t matter in the future.
This is very true especially for younger folks still in school. It's understandable in the moment, the world is that box you're in, and the circles you are confined to swim in. So it's not to say that none of it matters, it's important and it's normal to want to succeed socially. But mistakes are fine, and sometimes you just lose by a streak of bad rolls of the die. Eventually the world opens up and those years matter less and less as you can chart your own path, choose your own circle, and be who you want to be without the constant reinforcement of your past self/selves via the social circle and school dynamics that put you in a box.
On top of that, for the youngins I'll add: Your parents, and the "olds" in general, were probably a lot more right about things that you'd care to admit. But in time, you will come around to that realisation. Once you grow as a person, experience things and learn about the world while remaining honest and humble.
That's really dad like advice, thank you.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @Roll 21h
We think too much of the past and too much of the future.
From there, be conscious :)
This is true. I always live in the past and think about the future. I will try to live in the present only; I'll be more conscious about it now. Thanks.
To a first approximation, no one is particularly interested in you.
I see this as a positive thing; if I do something stupid, I shouldn't think too much about it because people aren't really interested in me. They just laugh and move on as they won't think much about me. Thanks.
Yep, it's more empowering than it might initially seem.
Also, nobody else is trying to figure out how you're going to succeed. We each have to take responsibility for our own success.
there are so many of them really, i think one for normies, maybe the main one, should be 'money as you know it is broken and the government can't fix it, the answer is to start saving in bitcoin'
if they accepted this and started their journey now, the quality of life and purchasing power would be dramatically improved
You are just an ordinary person. Be kinder to yourself.
The Bible is the word of God and is 100% true, historically, metaphysically, psychologically. You need to except every word, verse and chapter. If you don't like something in there, then it's you that needs to change, and not the Bible. It's the only book you need and is the answer to life, the universe and everything. And salvation is by grace alone and can't be bought with works. God saves whom he'll save. Not everyone will be saved and that's just the divine will and is a mystery to us creatures. Stay in your lane, read your Bible, and trust in God alone.
Pain is good; embrace it. Overcome, endure
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @drlh 15h
Maybe accepting that mortality rate with enough time is 100%? That dying is the most mediocre thing that could happen in the universe, being eaten by entropy, while life is really rare. For a stardust to become alive it needs some astronomically low odds, afaik 10^80 or something. Yet here we are.
So true! Makes you focus on the things that are really important.
Race is not a social construct.
IQ is genetic based.
Nature is more important than nurture.
We are not blank slates.
too many dangerous policies are based on the equality or egalitarian thesis
affirmative action or DEI, criminal justice reform, prison reform, etc