Donald Trump won the 2024 election in part because the left’s hysterical style of attacking Trump no longer worked.
After a decade of this unhinged furor, it proved worthless in winning public support—and for two simple reasons.
One, after years of Russian collusion hoaxes, the laptop disinformation farce, and the warped lies about the “suckers” and “fine people on both sides”—the shrill left became predictable.
So, the bored public began tuning them out, switching channels, hitting the mute button, and pulling the plug.
Like the deleterious effects of inflation that eventually render a currency worthless, nonstop hectoring, hysterics, pontification, and distortion finally made all such criticisms of Trump mostly as valueless as 1930s German marks.
Second, the wearied public never heard reasoned counterarguments from the likes of a Rachel Maddow. Instead, on spec, she kept mouthing, “The walls are closing in” on Trump.
So the progressive/lefty/Marxist/socialist/communist/murderers could only play the part of the NPC or bot in the whole scheme of politics, eh? They could do nothing new or original, just like their memes and what they were saying came out of the 10-year-old playbook and repeated for the 508th time. They did it to themselves and they tried to do it to us, again. We weren’t buying this time, though. And we counted the votes and guarded the ballot boxes this time.