Seems that Sensei’s all making more headspace and heart space these days. I wrote about slaying my visual clutter. Today, I will write about reducing my mental load.
Do you have a dreaded task that you kinda suppress successfully but still feel its sting? You wanna tackle it but can’t get your act together.
My task is disposing of my army gear. In my country, we have compulsory military conscription. After passing out from the army in my 20s, I couldn’t throw away my uniforms and Skeletal Battle Order because I would need to serve 1-2 weeks of reservist for another ten years. In a nutshell, Singaporean men can only dispose of our army stuff when we hit 40 because this is usually when we are no longer obligated to serve the nation.
I took childcare leave today to take my daughter for her vaccination. I planned to meet up with a friend whom I hadn’t met last year to catch up over coffee. Guess what I did in the interim?
I lugged my barang barang1 to the collection bin at the army recreational centre not so near my house. I pulled down the lever, swung my duffel bag, and Poof! 💨 it was gone.
Along with several years’ worth of cognitive load.
All ready to usher in Chinese New Year next week.
If I may flex my army lingo, WAKE UP YOUR IDEA! Get your shit sorted out now!
barang barang is Malay for personal belongings. ↩