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The problem, then, is either sound money or government as it exists; it’s either-or, not both. Central bank counterfeiting, because it benefits the violent state, will not have a happy ending for anyone.
The solution, in my view, is to apply free market principles to governance. We rely on the free market for everyday transactions such as shopping for groceries, building a skyscraper, or even protecting our property. Is there anything in the nature of governance that precludes a free market approach? If not, then why do we have the traditional monopoly of violence overseeing everything we do voluntarily?
Today’s government threatens to extinguish us one way or another. Let’s not wait for our demise. We need a different form of government based on voluntary exchange and property rights. In this connection, see my short book, The Fall of Tyranny, the Rise of Liberty, and my video, Do Not Consent: Think OUTSIDE the voting booth.
I think a lot of people are moving towards the sound money choice because they have perceived the crimes that the state is perpetrating upon all of us, daily. What is a sound money, you ask? Well, BTC just happens, for some odd reason, to come to mind. More and more people are adopting BTC as the means of exchange and this can exclude the state, nicely. Think of that, no more thriving or our property through the use of inflation in money. Do you think the state would let that happen?