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Block 880,532
Wisconsin is expected to see$4.1 billion of investment
in the coming years from six transmission projects as part of the largest portfolio ever approved by the Midwest electric grid operator.
The Midcontinent Independent System Operator, or MISO, in December approved488 transmission projects that span 5,000 miles across 15 states, including a $21.8 billion portfolio of 24 long range transmission plans.
Six of those long-term reliability projects will be located entirely or partially in Wisconsin. They consist of two new transmission lines from Minnesota and Illinois, portions of other new lines, building new substations and upgrading existing substations, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
MISO estimates construction will generate between4,000 and 12,257 jobs
and between$817 million to $4.5 billion
in economic output
Massive investment on power infrastructure in the Midwest!