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This is the problem. Because it is government spending, it will balloon out of control. Everyone will take their cut, and the project might even fail. Solar isnt even a clean type of energy if you consider what it takes to make solar panels. They should have put that money into making a nuclear power plant. I thought initially it was going to be in Arizona, where there is a lot of sun, but it is in Arkansas! Another bit about solar, if it was such an efficient source of energy, people would be buying it without the government subsidizing it since it would sell itself. Yet....government subsidies and government spending? fishy...
All valid points
Isnt the EPA a federal program? How can Arkansas be the only one benefiting from this deal?
They are a state in the union. The people in Arkansas pay federal income taxes so naturally some of that tax revenue should be spent in the state
So they will be giving that much funding to each state?