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I think the right answer is nuanced. Quick answer: yes for women's right to vote.
Long answer: Considering political decisions, sometimes I wonder: what would happen to a country where a woman would be president and, during her acute PMS (premenstrual syndrome) side effects, should decide or not to push the button to launch a nuclear bomb, like in the movie Dr Strangelove. Are women choices in politics always rational and stripped from emotions, particularly before the periods? I think this is why in confucianism for example, women should be excluded from politics. In old Japanese movies, sometimes we see the feudal master ruined because of poor choices of his wife during war time.
In my view, given society is composed of women and men, I think both should have a right to make choices which impact everyone. So I am in favor of women in politics, but I think raising biological factors to argue women can make bad decisions is a fair point. In my view though men can make better decisions when helped by women (and inversely)
I remember an episode of the old TV show Northern Exposure, where a woman bush pilot was talking to a woman in the Air Force. The woman in the Air Force argued that women should not be fighter pilots using the PMS angle.
I think this is a fair point as well. Depending on women, PMS can have more or less impact. Some women can have suicidal feelings (I let you imagine what could happen in an airplane of the Air Force), can cry, can be angry. Others as far as I know can be relatively psychologically normal. However with hormonal control (e.g.: birth control pill), I have heard psychological side effects can be reduced to zero. I am not a doctor so please take this last statement with a grain of salt.
However birth control pills can/may have bad health impacts, so would it be worth it in order to work in the army or have political control? I am not sure (in my case I am against, but I think women should choose also for this). But in the end, men can also make bad decisions. I am always criticized for having no emotions at all, or for not caring at all, so in this respect women can bring balance. Being married in my case forces me to think more about others. Female and male apes together strong, hahaha.