pull down to refresh

Today , i was checking all my transactions on my Ledger Live, and i discovered 3 Claim rewards (some Airdrop), see below:
I wanted to check the link, so by clicking one of the 2, https://ousd-network.com/ , i ve arrived on this page, see below:
Then by clicking on claim rewards and then choosing the wallet, i arrived on this webpage (asking my 24 words), see below:
I m really impressed by the Phishing level of the hackers!!! and hopefully for me, i ve a basis in IT/Security....
my Ledger Live
you realize that is not "yours"... is theirs... How tha fuck in 2025 you are still using that garbage Ledger and even with the scam ledger live? FFS you never hear about using Electrum, Specter, Sparrow with a HW ? You get what you fucking deserve for your ignorance.
i m using Sparrow with HW :)
How did they get your address to dust it? Does ledger give you an ethereum account by default or something?
How did they get your address to dust it? Good question !!!
Does Ledger give you an ethereum account by default or something? Nop, i bought some Eth a few years ago.
, i bought some Eth a few years ago.
LOL another shitcoiner
we, all, make mistakes, isn t it ? And from those mistakes we learn, isn't it ? ;)
seems that you still didn't learned anything
  • you still have shitcoins
  • you still use ledger live
-Nobody is perfect , isn´t it ! :P -Buy me a new HW, so as you can :)