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35% of young men (aged 22-34) had no sex in the last 3 months. But this graphic also shows how the same thing is happening in the 1y measure. It's also happening to women.
In my book this disproves the narrative of "lonely men", which some call the Chad-theory. In this theory the phenomenon was mainly happening to men because of a small number of men ("Chads") are enabled by technology to promiscuity which would only increase sexlessness in the median for men but not for women.
I posted a little too much about falling birthrates and related topics recently. Ik.
There was a recent post about the decline of the discotheque/night club.
Young women are less fun and more shrill today. And they have misguided priorities such as no kids and no marriage. And I'm talking about 'average' women choosing spinsterhood
Not too much—not enough!!
Not at all. I think this is the big cultural story of our time.
35 sats \ 5 replies \ @freetx 2h
Wouldn't it make sense to consider this being environmental? estrogen-mimicking plastics? phthalates?
Interesting hypothesis
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @000w2 54m
The changes would be gradual over decades if that were the main reason
14 sats \ 2 replies \ @freetx 40m
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @000w2 32m
Right, that's my point, it's gradual over decades. OPs data shows sex increasing from about 2008 to 2014, then falling off a cliff after 2014, implying this is not the main cause.
2018 is pre covid. Probably looks worse since 2020.
35 sats \ 0 replies \ @Riberet 4h
I suppose that all this has to do with the social isolation that has been seen in recent times, and social disconnection, largely the result of the excessive use of social networks.
Interesting. I saw this as evidence supporting the Chad Theory.
The reduction in sex is more pronounced for men than women. There are two ways that makes sense: women are having more sex with each other or a smaller group of men is having sex with the sexually active women.
How would that add up with the gap already existing back in the day?
I'm just noting that it widened and there aren't many explanations for the logistics of that.
I think subscribers to the Chad Theory tend to drastically overstate their case as something like "Only a few men sleep with all the available women." That's silly and not supported by anything. But, it does look like fewer men are sleeping with the available women.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bell_curve 1h
dating apps support the Chad theory
dating apps have made women more picky
Yeah, but I think people overestimate the significance of dating apps, just like they do with social media.
14 sats \ 7 replies \ @grayruby 5h
What motivates the young people these days if not the pursuit of the opposite sex?
If my son is an example: nothing.
I think it's just that they're getting their release from porn.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @Riberet 43m
This is something that I have also thought, porn makes you cover that need artificially, which makes your desire to seek interactions with the opposite sex decrease, in addition to many other consequences that porn itself entails.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @000w2 52m
Angering the wrong woman could destroy your social life and career. Risk reward is not worth it in the social media age, especially if there is infinite zero-risk porn available.
That's the golden question, right? My personal guess is the boring one: it's the phones. People are online and don't go out anymore.
The "exciting" explanations are about economics or feminism or dating apps. I personally don't believe in those, but you are free to do so if you want.
I agree it's the phone but what apps are people using? dating apps
Probably a big part of it.
10 sats \ 4 replies \ @Satosora 3h
Sad on all counts. Maybe the digital world isnt all that it is cracked up to be?
14 sats \ 2 replies \ @Riberet 3h
Less person-to-person connections, less sex, I guess it's that easy, more (online) communication doesn't equal better communication... you know
I could have told you that in 94 when I was just a lonely teen on Prodigy.
I guess it's not such a new phenomenon... maybe it's more progressive than something new, you know what I mean...
I always assumed I'd be hooked up to some intravenous feeding and waste disposal device by now, perpetually plugged in to a VR interface, endlessly scanning through data, trying to find the "shape" of the internet...
maybe people will start resorting to the 1M word...


  1. marriage 😱😱😱 ↩