What are you guys doing to help differentiate and stand out in a sea of other crowdfunding platforms, btc, fiat or otherwise?
Great question.
  • We are focused on Lightning: we think the properties of lightning enhance the UX of crowdfunding, for example the interoperability made possible with lightning addresses and LNURL which allows us to integrate with the other application layer platforms on Lightning, as well as micropayments. Ultimately, it is lightning that will be the killer app for Bitcoin, so we're betting on being an early adopter of this new network.
  • We help creators engage their communities through content: creators can publish Entries which could be stories or links to their recent podcasts. Moving away from "static" crowdfunding to make this a place where you can publish content which can get you funded.
  • We plan to become more social: crowdfunding is all about becoming part of a community and seeing these ideas happen in the real world. By making these experiences more social can create deeper and more valuable experiences. We have plans to integrate with nostr, whereby every funding comment is an event, and users could even chat within a project page to ask questions and even do AMAs ;)
  • We are more active in promoting valuable projects: we push projects that matter out into the communities thanks to our Geyser Podcast and our Twitter Spaces (which we're planning to do more of).
Some examples of contributions that were made possible by Geyser Lightning Addresses:
  • Sats flowing directly from Podcasting 2.0 apps such as Fountain and Breez
  • Donations coming in from websites that embedded the TwentyUno widget (https://widgets.twentyuno.net/)
  • A recent demo by Anita Posch showing it's possible to contribute without an internet connection through USSD, an SMS-like technology, see:
  • The Hero Of Bitcoin project getting funded live through an LNURL-Pay static QR code during our last presentation in the Edinburgh Bitcoin Conference
Lightning unlocks value in mind-blowing new ways ⚡️