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One tidbit I gleaned was that the area that burned isn't typically a place that would have done controlled burns anyway, so the narrative that better forest management could have mitigated damage may not be accurate.
Something to be noted here is that if you live in a climate conducive to wild fires and landscape that still has vegetation you are rolling the dice. I honestly do not blame to homeowners for this. So many market signals that would save lives are distorted by the various layers of government.
Every time I think about these fires I think about drive down I-5 into So-cal as a kid vs today. I'll be heading down there this week again. It blows my mind how many homes are now on hills that I've seen burn and be subject to landslides. For years I've wondered how the heck people afford the insurance. Well... I guess we are learning more about that now.
I have friends and neighbors that have had properties in the Sierra Nevada mountains and have lost their cabins due to the poor management of the national forests around their properties. Then they lost their insurance or it became so high they could not afford it. Its the same story as in SoCal but in these areas homes are often a second home or a cabin. But, its the same policies.
I honestly do not blame to homeowners for this. So many market signals that would save lives are distorted by the various layers of government.
While true, I am having a harder time feeling sympathy. You say you want democracy and you don't pay attention. In the end, the politicians you got were the ones you elected. The politicians distorted markets and virtue-signaled instead of actually solving problems, because that's what you wanted from them and you rewarded them for it.
Yeah, for real. But remember people are brainwashed from birth into the democracy religion. I'm with you but I used to be right there with them. Very few ever even question what they are told let alone that the whole system leads to these outcomes.
Regardless, many hard lessons are being taught now. Those that fail to learn will be doomed to repeat the lessons.