I think they should implement LN-URL. Right now if I go to my Phoenix wallet click on receive, and then share with a Signal contact it just dumps the URL plaintext into a chat message. What should happen is that Signal picks up on that as an LN URL and let the contact open that in their own Lightning wallet. I am not sure what the added benefit is for Signal to implement a fully fledged Lightning wallet.
I am not sure what the added benefit is for Signal to implement a fully fledged Lightning wallet.
A good UX. If Signal is going to push a crypto experience, they need to educate and guide their users. Otherwise there is frustration, anguish, loss.
In an ideal world, yes. But in practice building a good Lightning wallet is at least as hard as building a good chat app. Meaning that Signal probably just doesn't have the resources to implement a full Lightning wallet, and it wouldn't have a good UX. We are not talking about Facebook here, Signal doesn't have a hundred spare devs that they can throw at this.
Personally I think that Signal should aim to have the best chat app there is (which IMHO is the case). Then when it comes to related functionality, such as enabling p2p payments, Signal should integrate with wallets that are the best payments apps there are. The standard to do that would be LN-URL.
Well that is why stuff like https://lightningdevkit.org/ exists though.
In any case, you can put a lightning URL in your Signal bio right now. The problem is probably that other people will not follow suite. So it goes back to adoption issues and bad UX not teaching people how it works.