On January 18th, NewsNation aired an investigative special featuring Jake Barber, a former US Air Force veteran, who claimed firsthand involvement in retrieving what he described as “nonhuman” technology.
While many focused on the accompanying video of a mysterious “egg-shaped” craft, some argued that it failed to deliver conclusive proof. However, the video was just a small part of the revelations shared during the special.
Beyond the sensationalism, the whistleblower presented groundbreaking claims.
“Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous,” he said. “It was not human.”
He went on to describe the reactions of his team: “It’s inconsistent with anything I’d ever seen before. I can also tell you that the reaction by my team, we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary.”
Adding even more intrigue, Barber claimed that high-ranking members of the UAP Task Force later confirmed to him that the craft was associated with “NHI (nonhuman intelligence)” and that such incidents were not unique.
“There’s no engine. There was no thermal signature. It became very clear… just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was… not human.” he stated.
Now several former special forces members broke their silence, sharing firsthand accounts of psionic assets and crash retrieval programs. These individuals, who operated in highly classified environments,described witnessing extraordinary phenomena and connecting with technology that appeared to transcend human capabilities.
The concept of psionics—psychic abilities like telepathy—took very interesting point in the discussion. Barber described how psionic operators are crucial to engaging with UAPs.
These operators reportedly form a consciousness-based connection with the objects, enabling interaction and operation beyond traditional means. “The craft isn’t just flown; it’s bonded with,” Barber explained.
Nolan’s findings confirmed that multiple individuals, including Barber’s team members, became physically ill after transporting an object of unknown origin.
Symptoms ranged from nausea to long-term neurological effects. This corroborates earlier reports of adverse health effects in individuals who come into close contact with UAPs.
While much has been written about UAPs operating in air, water, and space, Barber informed about a ground traversal. According to him, the craft retrieved during his operation exhibited the ability to pass through solid ground, a capability never before documented.
Blitch stated that he “wholeheartedly” supports Barber’s account and confirmed that “the U.S. has absolutely recovered UAPs.” This endorsement from such a high-ranking and credible figure reinforces the gravity of the allegations.