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That’s very rough words; I wouldn’t say that. But you can mute a person if you don’t like them. You're bit furious right now maybe take a break. Thanks.
I would mute @ama except that he has such radical views that I can't mute such lunacy
it's not that rough
again, the criticism is one sided: I am rough but zero criticism for my critics who have been far from congenial
once again proving my point, proving the headline of this post
SN users like @ama are left wing mainstream media hacks and bootlickers and sycophants
these guys are younger than me but they are conformists w/o balls aka cucks and simps
To be very honest, if @ama had said it like this, I would’ve responded the same way as I did to you. I don’t take sides I see only wings, not right or left. That’s not my cup of tea. I hope you and @ama resolve your conflicts.
@ama is so courageous for saying that he votes left no matter what
are you going to give him extra zaps for courage?
Good point. Wouldn’t say much, but choosing the wrong things or sides never ends well for the one making the choice. My zaps go to fun and informative posts and comments, not to anyone’s political views. I don’t engage much with politics.
if you don't engage with politics then this is the wrong thread
Neutrality is not an option here
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