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Hello stackers!
For the last two months, I have spent some time building the app for stacker.news. Now it's finally published on Apple store and Google play.
Here are features it has:
  • Tabbed Interface for easy navigating
  • Bookmark favorite posts
  • Dark Mode
  • Image Zoom and View mode
  • Full Markdown Rendering
  • Fancy Profile Page
Since I haven't implemented the authentication, it's missing some very important features like notification, post, reply, vote, deposit, withdraw..
I will add those after stacker.new publishes the official auth api.
The app repo is fully open sourced and you can find it on Github.
Also, the tech stack is react native + expo + tailwind css + react query.
So if you are familiar with front-end development, it will be very easy to contribute.
For any feature requests or bugs, you can put them under this post or open an issue on Github.
I will fix it asap.
Well here's the feedback you asked for!
  1. A functional app that gives notifications from SN on the phone would be very good. Keep it up.
  2. It's hard to find for some reason. I had to airdrop the web link to my phone and then it showed up in the App Store
  3. It's read-only. No account access. Can't really use SN without that. Can't post, can't comment, can't tip.
  4. The "Set Username" prompt doesn't log you in at all or create an account. It just shows you the profile page of whatever user you type in. I tried "@kevin" just for fun and it showed me his profile info.
  5. I like that Recent is the first tab and I like the top posts and top comments tabs. Good choices.
  6. I like the infinite scroll
Way to build!
Thanks for your feedback!! Yeah. It's read-only version for now..
I will fix the item 1, 3, 4 when @k00b published the authorization api.
For item 2, not sure what happened.. the link works fine on my iPhone..
140 sats \ 1 reply \ @go 26 Oct 2022
Ahh I see now - I search for "bsats" and it says "Showing results for beats. Search instead for bsats?" and it gives you a little link to tap to search for bsats. The font is so small I missed it
Hmm. Regarding 4, it seems to have logged me in just fine.
Did you try another account as well? It will show the profile of any user I think.
Ahh, yes I see what you mean. So it’s not really logging you in. My mistake. Also I’ve noticed after 24 hrs it has automatically logged me out… It should at least keep your selected account saved.
Oh. It may be a bug. I will fix it this weekend!
Me too. Its saying my @we.stacker.news acct can’t be found
I have fixed the bug in new release!
195 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 26 Oct 2022
Nice work! Seems consistant with the SN feel in web browsers. My only observation is that spacing of articles heading and link seems a bit too much space. If there is a way to keep that a bit tighter, that would really help maximize the app's utility and aesthetics.
I guess it's a hard task with limited screen affordance on various devices. I'm looking at it on iphone 7 and readibility is fine, but quite a lot of scrolling. I'm not a UX designer and don't know if it's even possible to get 21 articles to seem a little more snuggly formatted.
Maybe if it was possible to abbreviate the link to just display the tld without breaking to a new line you might fit in a few more elements for sat tips. Just my 2sats!
Thanks for your comments! I will take notes and try to improve in next release!
Congrats! This is a great alternative to reddit
Great work! 🔥🧡🔥 places like stacker.news, Bsats and the development of the Bitcoin Unisphere are the reasons I have optimism for the future of technology, value, and sovereignty.
You love to see it! This post deserves every sat its received and more… looking forward to using and future updates to come. Thank you! 🤝👏
I appreciate the simple design! Can't wait for the auth dependent features
Awesome, nice work! Appreciate the shoutout in the app store image!
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @mf 26 Oct 2022
Will the apk be available outside of google play?
Great work! We are building!
Yeah. There is an apk in github release page.
Android download does not seem to be active yet?
It says "This app is available for all of your devices", but the Install button is greyed-out.
Maybe because I put the US google play link, how about trying to search bsats in google play?
Not sure what happened, it works now just by clicking the link
in-before @ken
Kale thank you for dark mode love how you merge react + expo must've took some time to imagine it these sats don't stack without bsats on the grind launching phone apps on two plats
Thank you! With react native + expo, it make app development very easy.
I can reuse many code from stacker.news official repo!
Excellent work!!!
auth is critical
Super cool. I can't wait for authentication.
I've tried it today and it looks slick and fast. Are you thinking of submitting it to the fdroid repo?
oh... not familiar with fdroid. Will do some research and may submit it!
Actually I spent more time on setting and waiting for apple store / google play than coding...
Really need an open source universal app store...
For iPad only? No iOS support?
It supports iOS, try this link
Congratulations !!! It is great to see how so many new projects are going to help the lightning network explode with mass adoption !!!
Thank you! I have another lightning network related project coming soon!
по колличеству вы увидите надёжность, этого приложения. надёжное?
104k sats for op? you people need to chill out. 100 sats might not be worth much terms of dollars but in the future it could buy you a beer.
I think most of rewards came from @k00b. Thank you!
I built the app not for money, just for fun and learning.
I will give them back to the community with my next lightning network related project.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.