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I think most normie people would compare Bitcoin directly to... Digital Gold. Yes it's so much more than that (divisible, transportable, electronic, stored on an iphone or hardware wallet... not to mention unconfiscatable using Bip39 etc...)
So assuming that Bitcoin matches Gold's Market Cap - Gold's Market Cap is around 13.7 trillion.
Bitcoin's today is 2.07 trillion at 104k USD per Bitcoin.
Meaning at a Gold Market Cap Bitcoin would be 6.6x its current value? So 6.6 x 104K is 686k USD per Bitcoin.
That's just Bitcoin as a store of value. As a 'medium of exchange' Bitcoin could far exceed gold because it's digital... use of the comparison between Blockbuster (analog) vs Netflix (Digital) makes sense.
So it could far exceed that in my opinion eventually.

Anecdotally how many people in your day-to-day life have anything other than a cursory understanding of what Bitcoin is or how it works? How many use Lightning or have paid for something in Bitcoin?
Furthermore... see the WSJ comments section on any crypto or Bitcoin-related news article. It is filled with anti-Bitcoin nonsense, myths, claims of it being hacked 'any day now', the central computer 'going down' tulips etc etc...
Most comments call it a scam like FTX or say "there is no there, there..." Have any of these people ever used Bitcoin? No. Rolled a seed phrase? No. Run a node? No (they don't know what that is). And have they ever, universally even once heard of Lightning. Well no.
Does that mean we are 'early'? I don't know you be the judge.
Well said. It's difficult to measure how "early" or not this is based on what you've mentioned there