Are you the kind of prepper that suspects that diesel and gasoline will become unavailable soon after a major social collapse occurs?
If so, then you have to read this article!
You may have made any one of the following decisions that can spell absolute destruction once these fuels are no longer available.
Since diesel and gasoline were only invented in the late 1800’s, it will not be so hard to “go back” to a lifestyle without these fuels. Even though there are isolated groups of people throughout the world that survive without these fuels, they also dedicate their entire lives to basic survival. If you are not accustomed to this lifestyle, a few camping trips and survivor practice drills won’t make you ready to live without these fuels.
Wouldn’t a world without fossil fuels be wonderful? Guess again! If we were to suddenly be bereft of fossil fuels would you even be able to survive. Your survival depends, to some degree, to have those fuels or alternatives. Most of the alternatives are worse than fossil fuels! If there are no fossil fuels, do you think we will still have windmills and solar panels? Just look at solar panel farms after bad weather to understand their usefulness. There are all sorts of things to prepare yourself for future problems, have a look at these to check a few out.
If you have other ideas, please put them into comments, below.