Good morning to everyone, I’m thinking to start flowing these on Saturday’s. The INFO YO’s were intended to be light reading and what better way than to check this out over the weekend. Anyway, here we go…
#1- One thing that ceases to amaze me is the amount of mood swings folks have when making impactful decisions. One week federal land is banned to frac on, next week approvals for fracing on federal land are a ‘go’ just under a different word salad description. Just a few days ago it was spread through the internet that the current (and I mean were two days away from someone new coming in) administration just signed an executive order to allow data center development on federally owned land. Now, we know that these types of deals are for a certain types of large data center companies and the average data center wont have access to this perhaps. The executive order lays out all the variables however the costs associated with these sites are weighted more on the data center developer or operator side. Fracing? No. Data Center? Maybe… What kind of data center? Bitcoin Mining? Absolutely not. Build robots and high power machine learning? Sure, just make sure you have more money than everyone else. Deal? You can decide. By the way, did you vote for us and contribute to a campaign? Right this way….
#2- Something is interesting that I myself am understanding more about is Biofuels. Biofuels are ultimately derived from organic resources created by plants and human things which can be grown and harvested over and over again. There’s Biodiesel which is a liquid fuel produced from vegetable oils and animal fats, Ethanol which is made from plant starches and sugars (corn), and even wood used to produce heat. Wood is good, and it seems that the Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office announced a $1.35 million fund to accelerate wood heater innovation. Apparently still a lot of folks use wood to heat their homes, doesn’t surprise me that much. But what does interest me is the ability to take waste and make it into something useful. Turning trash into gold, trash into cash or trash into bitcoin (hehe), that kind of action is just great to see. I think the world would be a better place if folks just picked up the trash they leave behind. Its not ‘biodegradable’ and it wont just disappear. What to do with waste is a problem as old a the beginning of time.
#3- I wrote an article on AI and super computers and all that. Take a look at the advancement of quantum computers, its quite interesting. Its stated by the DOE that, “Quantum computers harness the laws of quantum mechanics to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than today’s supercomputers.” Quantum computers appear to be much better and faster than super computers. This stuff goes well beyond my reach however whats interesting that quantum computers, according to experts, still exhibit error rates far higher than conventional computers and also they are noisy. BUT, they will change the world. I think of it like a 180 pound person is trying to bench press 500 lbs. The gyms I used to work out in would be shouting and grunting to get that weight up. Quantum computers dont like the ‘judgement free zone’ I suppose. For more information on quantum computing check this out: Quantum Computing.
Have a great weekend till next time!
Just FYI, There are links inside for some of these Info YO’s. If you see an underline you can go down the rabbit hole with me. Peace and Love to y’all
*ALL views and opinions are my own. All data/research comprised can simply be looked up by any search engine.