Scientists agree it’s the closest thing to the best diet, although to get the full benefit, you don’t just have to eat like the Italians and Greeks—you have to live like them, too!
A healthy mind, body, and long life is wedded to a good, balanced diet, and the two cannot be easily teased apart. When medical professionals distill nutritional science, research points toward what is loosely termed the “Mediterranean diet” as one of the healthiest of the bunch.
However, “Mediterranean” in this context doesn’t mean a banquet of French cheeses, creamy carbonaras, and chocolate fondants, all washed down with copious bottles of red. This food regime is actually based on traditional Greek and Italian cuisine, harking back to a time when food was fresh, seasonal, and simply prepared and cooked— and the modern processed food industry wasn’t even a twinkle in humanity’s eye.
It's not just the food; it's the complete package of the Mediterranean lifestyle that scientists recommend.
Want to live like a Mediterranean?
■ EAT a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, with moderate amounts of protein, mainly fish.
■ Consume plenty of nuts, seeds, and legumes such as beans and lentils.
■ Use good-quality olive oil as the main culinary fat; eat only limited amounts of milk and animal fat.
■ Avoid PROCESSED FOODS and limit sweets and sugary desserts to occasional treats.
■ Be physically active, outdoors if possible, as part of your daily routine.
■ Get ample, undisturbed sleep, topped up with an afternoon siesta.
I'm dropping some links here as well if you want to learn more.