I sometimes find it amusing the thrill of the zap, how something like 500s makes me feel like I have won some kind of lottery. I won the fact of the day one time for 10k sats and I almost fell off my chair.

In fiat terms, I shouldn't be getting excited about a few pence or dollars, but I think I know why. Because I only get sats from doing a bit of posting, I don't get loads and it changes the way I value them.
Now, of course, I earn in fiat and do a dca once a month into bitcoin, but since that goes straight to storage, it's abstracted away.
If I had a client that paid directly in sats or the world was on a btc standard, I also think it would be different. but when you can only get like 10 sats a day from fountain and a few a month on nostr, if that, the zaps here have a much bigger impact.
I also have a circular economy thing going on where before I didn't do anything with lightning, it was just this piece of tech, but not only has SN and nostr got me into using it, I also pay the kid's pocket money in sats that I earned just posting, I don't have to do any special buys for it. Just a little sat economy going on.
Do any of you also find it weirdly thrilling to get the equivalent of ten cents in zaps?