“Clickjacking” is becoming less practical as modern browsers set all cookies to “SameSite: Lax” by default. Even if an attacker site can frame another website, the framed site would be unauthenticated, because cross-site cookies are not sent. This significantly reduces the risk of successful clickjacking attacks, as most interesting functionality on websites typically requires authentication.
DoubleClickjacking is a new variation on this classic theme: instead of relying on a single click, it takes advantage of a double-click sequence. While it might sound like a small change, it opens the door to new UI manipulation attacks that bypass all known clickjacking protections, including the X-Frame-Options header, CSP's frame-ancestors and SameSite: Lax/Strict cookies. This technique seemingly affects almost every website, leading to account takeovers on many major platforms.
In simpler terms, DoubleClickjacking leverages the small gap between the start of a click and the end of the second click in multiple windows without utilizing any popunder tricks. It is a sleight of hand. Attackers load (or open) a new window for a legitimate seeming reason—like a “captcha verification,” for example. Then, just before the second click is pressed, the malicious site can quickly swap in a more sensitive window from the same browser session (e.g., an OAuth authorization prompt), effectively hijacking that second click. There are many ways to perform the “swap,” the most reliable and smooth method I found uses window.open.location.
One of the important pieces of this attack is exploiting the timing difference between mousedown and onclick events (favoring mousedown over click). The mousedown event fires immediately when the user presses the mouse button, while the click event waits for the complete click action so there is a few ms of delay we can siphon for the attack. One of the surprising things about doing it this way is it does not matter how slow or how fast the target double-clicks. favoring mousedown event handler allows exploiting this even for the fastest or slowest double clickers.