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Fully agree that the way openaccess journals have basically "pay-to-publish" journals has corrupted a big part of the field. That's why, sadly, the "reader-pays-to-read" model is still the more reliable than the "pay-to-publish" model. All of this is because of the middle man (the editor) that is profiting all the way, without adding much value to the equation. My research should be open for everyone to read, as my research was paid with tax money, so the taxpayer should have free access to it.
All of this is valid within the current paradigm. But for reasons mentioned in other messages, the current paradigm needs a drastic overhaul to actually solve the issues.
Your observation on who owns your research is one that is denied in most cases. If a company pays for research it is their property to dispose of as they like, including publication or non-publication. If a taxpayer funded research project is owned by the taxpayers, then there should only be a publish option and no other. The state could put a small fee for reading, just to keep the trolls out, but not large enough to keep the taxpayers out. Trolls seem to go for the free stuff the most. BTW, that is also why I like stacker news, not many trolls.