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Today, after our childbirth class, we went to an insect exhibit.
It was a very small exhibit, but man was it fun. I think the target group is between 10 and 14 years old.
They played insect sounds and you had to guess which group of insects made them.
There was a well-done quiz about cool fun facts, for example about a mosquito that can live in freezing temperatures hundreds of meters under the ice in the Baikal Sea in Russia. Or insects that live under the desert in Africa for 17 years, only to emerge in their final form for 4-6 weeks to mate and die.
Of course there were many animal specimens on display.
Or you could use a microscope on insects.
But the most fun was a touch pad where you could mix insects to clone your own super insect!
Well rounded exhibit and well prepared. It was fun and we learned a lot! That's how these things should be. Fun and informative.
Guys, you should go out and do something! You all have a great weekend.
Have you done anything similar recently?
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