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As most of you know, Mark Goodwin is the editor of Bitcoin Magazine, and he also writes many articles for that publication. I have listened to his podcasts with Whitney Webb, and, although I have not read his book, The Bitcoin Dollar, https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Dollar-Economic-Monomyth-Mark-Goodwin/dp/B0CGG64YSM I agree with the thesis.
To its credit, Bitcoin Magazine gives him free reign to express his views, but they are very contrary to the magazine's pro Saylor, pro ETFs, and pro Trump slant. BM is a major cheerleader for the whole government-big bank involvement with bitcoin.
This morning I listened to him on WBD, https://fountain.fm/episode/v0ZMMqj5NJVc7yMwNBut, where he continues to warn against stable coins and the general embrace of the idea of the US government creating a strategic bitcoin reserve.
His interests and opinions seem to be moving further and further away from Bitcoin Magazine's. How much longer can this go on?
Mark Goodwin is the guy that is pissed off the Indie band he found first has gone mainstream.
I like him. He is smart and it is nice to see his contrarian perspective to what the rest of Bitcoin Magazine has become but to me there seems a bit of bitterness with that guy that Bitcoin isn't what it used to be so the sky must be falling, it must be being co-opted by wall street and governments. The arguments are fair and we must remain diligent but he is a bit too much chicken little for me.
I am one to talk though I used to love Bitcoin twitter but now think it is a bunch of fiat minded MSTR simps. So maybe I am just like the guy that wants the band to be indie again too.
Great take this is how I feel as well
Lately, as Saylor has picked up his buying, there have been more and more outspoken simps. I dont understand these simps thinking, since it isnt themselves that are holding the keys. Most of them are buying the MSTR stock thinking that it will rise with the price of bitcoin, but it is only a fraction.
We are approaching
Ha! Someone will write a book about him.
Who is this guy? I mean Walter Isaacson. I know who Saylor is.
Walter writes autobiographies on famous people. The greatest. Like Steve Jobs
I like that Indie band analogy!
Off topic, but I'm just finding out that WBD is still alive! I listened to the final episode w/ Pete, and then that podcast in my feed switched to his new one. Dang, nice to see that it goes on.
I think they just brought it back a couple months ago. I have tried to listen to Peter's new show but it is very UK centric now and I am just not that interested in the political happenings of the UK. So I am glad they brought back WBD.
Yeah Pete's new one is def a pick-and-choose strategy. I think it suits him better, actually. For some reason I thought he was annoying a lot on WBD.
But it could be that talking to these btc notables produces annoying interviews. Or it could be that you can only do a show like that for so long before you're saying all the same stuff and boring yourself. Will be interesting to get a sense of how Danny does it and where he takes it -- he seems like a thoughtful dude.
Same here. I feel a little bad not listening to Peter, but he's a successful guy keeping busy with other things.
Yes, and I really think the new host (Danny) is doing a good job.
Do you something about this issue @denlillaapan?
a little, but only tangential and narrow.
My view into the octopus/behemoth that is BTC Inc is very, very narrow
Can't see any articles by Goodwin published by Bitcoin Magazine since about July 2024.
Silenced already?
Does his opinion have to align exactly with BM? I think it is good that he gives his own views. I think BM should encompass all views, so that some can be looked at carefully. What he is saying isnt very radical, in my opinion.
I agree he doesn't have to agree with his employer. It's a credit to both that it has been allowed until now. I disagree that he isn't saying anything so radical. He definitely is. Just watch one of his podcasts with Whitney Webb. He believes bitcoin can and will be co-opted and destroyed by government/big banks. BM encourages the ideas that can lead to its destruction, in HIS opinion.
He isnt a part of the magazine, right? He is just a freelance writer? I will have to listen to that podcast.
I thought he left BM?
he's usually full of shit.