There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe in naps and those who don’t.
I belong to the former camp. Late Friday afternoons are a sacred space because I get to nap for 45-60 mins in my empty home. Just the whirring of the fan. Bliss.
I’m a bit embarrassed to state that my nap usually happens after drinking my once-a-week indulgence of Japanese beer. Maybe that’s why I sleep so unobstructed by thoughts of life.
As it is, I feel like I have derived a second wind to deal with tonight’s parenting. That’s awesome.1
Do you nap?
The common phrase heard around the water cooler and the school lockers is TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday). In the UK and Australia, they have a different term called POETS day (Piss Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday.) So, POETS! ↩