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You are generating the number 16 more often than other numbers and insiders use it to squeeze money out of others!!?! Can you prove that you are not?
If you are making the claim that the roulette is provably fair, then this should be easy.
You run this on the server, right? How can you prove that you are running this file and not something like
function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
  if (Math.random() > 0.9) return 16;
  return crypto.randomInt(min, max+1);
I can't but you can check the hash and salt
Well, that doesn't really help much, right? You just give me a hash of 16+salt and then I can confirm that I indeed got 16.
Yes, you can, if you think that 16 is coming more times them usual, try your luck....