After the Christmas break, my kids are back at it again with art class. This is my daughter's first sketch of 2025, a waterfall drawn with charcoal. My son is still working on his drawing, so I'm posting this first. I especially like how she did the water in the pond/lake, it looks like there's actually movement in the water; as well, I also really like the way she did the trees at the top. The layers of the rock wall is nicely done too. I think her sketches are starting to get pretty impressive...
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300 sats \ 6 replies \ @grayruby 15 Jan
Incredible. Big zap for your daughter to stack some sats.
40 sats \ 5 replies \ @gnilma OP 15 Jan
Thank you
21 sats \ 4 replies \ @grayruby 15 Jan
My pleasure. Your daughter is really talented. I hope she continues with her passion for drawing/art. Have you seen the work bitcoin Apex has done with his pencil art?
60 sats \ 3 replies \ @gnilma OP 15 Jan
She's been taking drawing/art lessons since 7, so I guess she learned a few things over the years. Hopefully she continues to draw, and I will continue to encourage and support her to draw, but what she do in the future is up to her.
I'm not familiar with Bitcoin Apex and just went to look him up. Really incredible art. Thank you for sharing. I will show my daughter his art. Maybe she can get inspired by his amazing art.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @grayruby 15 Jan
Yes his art is great. I have one of his pieces.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma OP 15 Jan
Did you buy it from his site?
I have a MADEX piece, bought it from him in person at a Vancouver meet up a couple years ago. Seems very expensive now, because I bought it with bitcoin for 1.355 million sats; during the bear market too.
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21 sats \ 1 reply \ @stack_harder 15 Jan
looks great!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @gnilma OP 15 Jan
Thank you